
Birth Chart Basics
What is a birth chart?
What if I don’t know my birth time?
What are Whole Sign Houses and why do we use them?
You Were Born For This: Astrology for Radical Self-Acceptance
CHANI online chart tool
    Astrology Tools
    Astrology of the Week Ahead Podcast
    CHANI Astro Workshop Membership
    CHANI Daily Horoscopes
    CHANI Current Sky Horoscopes
    The 2023 Year Ahead
    Your 2023 Guidebook*
    *Note: These astrology tools can also be found in the CHANI App, with exception of Your 2023 Guidebook, which can be purchased separately via the link above.
      Transit Overviews
      What does it mean for a planet to be “in domicile” and why is it important?
      What is a Jupiter return, and how can you work with it? 
      What is a Saturn return, and when does it happen?
      How to Work with Mercury Retrogrades
        Key Dates for 2023
        2023 Astrology Key Dates: Primary Transits, Ingresses, and Retrogrades
        Key Dates for Career and Money in 2023
        Key Dates for Love in 2023
        New and Full Moons in 2023
        Eclipses in 2023
        Mercury Retrogrades in 2023
          Altar Suggestions and Adornments
          A Guide to Apothecary and Altar Suggestions
          The Deck of Plenty
          Planetary Candles
          Zodiac Candles
              CHANI App (iOS)
              The CHANI app is designed to help you form your own relationship with astrology so that you can use it to support your growth and wellbeing. The app combines ancient astrological wisdom with mindfulness and meditation and offers the most accessible astrology resources available — including personalized birth-chart readings, real-time updates on how the current astrology is affecting you, and a host of rituals, affirmations, and journal prompts to guide you along your journey. (It’s also the #1 astrology app for self-discovery, mindfulness, and healing.)