Our ritual candles are hand-poured at auspicious times for their respective planets and include affirmations to help you call in each planet’s power.
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INVESTED INWe are proud partners of Gifted by FreeFrom — a Los Angeles-based social enterprise supporting intergenerational healing, wealth, and long-term safety for survivors of gender-based violence.
Shop GiftedWhenever you purchase an item with a “by Gifted” label, 100% of the proceeds go to the survivor entrepreneurs who made the product and the survivor employees who pack and ship it for a living wage of $38.46 per hour.
Learn moreOur ritual candles are hand-poured at auspicious times for their respective planets and include affirmations to help you call in each planet’s power.
Shop CandlesOur small-batch bath salts are made with responsibly sourced ingredients that are directly connected to the planets that rule them — plus they include a cute ritual.
Shop saltsPick a card — any card — and affirm yourself daily. This deck is filled with messages and illustrations to spark new thoughts, prompt ideas, and support you on your journey.
Shop the deckWant to be the first to know about our upcoming launches? Join our email list. (We’ll also send you astro guides and helpful resources.)